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Moxie VCQB Shirt



SKU: CT-005 Category:


We’re pleased to introduce Moxie, the latest addition to the Centrifuge Training team. You can call her ‘Foxie Moxie’ if you’d like, but she ain’t here to chase waterfalls. If your range game is kinda weak she ain’t interested and definitely don’t want no scrubs. If you have a problem, yo she’ll solve it. Catch her on a good day and it’s her prerogative to have a little VCQB fun.

Shirt is Next Level Style #6010 in vintage red or military green.

Additional information

Weight .10 lbs

L, M, S, XL, XXL


Military Green, Vintage Red

6 comments on “Moxie VCQB Shirt”

  1. Cody Richardson says:
  2. Cody Weyandt says:
  3. Jorden B. says:

    shirt has a perfect fit. 5,11 , 200lbs large

  4. Adam says:

    My mom loves wearing Will’s shirts to bed.

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